Gallery project, cardboard, drawing, acryl, glue, sound
19.1. - 5.3.2023
Medium Gallery, Bratislava, SK
Artist: Daniela Ponomarevová
Curator and sound: Tomáš Moravanský
Foto and edit: Jan Sipocz
An-ti-hyp-na-gog-ic is a generational existential allusion, an imaginary memetic parts factory, or-yes-also-again a frankly subjective reflection of contemporary visual language exploded into space - a language that doesn't get enough fiber under the reality of the virtual world. (inhale) The work is also a loose reflection on the artist's recent experience as a factory worker behind an assembly counter. (exhale)
Here, Daniela's drawing (inhale) brings identity and flair to her own objects, often created from widely available materials, to which it is applied much like tattoos to the human body. (exhale) These objects become the supporting architectural elements for the "digital" content, a kind of cardboard matrix built in a DIY way. A more accurate new term could be used here: DIY CGI (do it yourself computer-generated imagery). (and inhale again)
Her work is a sincere, ironic and humorous polemic about experiencing life in a digital bubble as an imaginary insider in a chaotic field, composed of a multitude of small and even smaller parts, without a break for a snack during a never-ending shift. (inhale) Through references to cult, mostly B-movie sci-fi films and with a light touch of the fetishism of the fan aesthetic, she deals with the existential uncertainty of the DIY amateur radio addict, the social turmoil of the blissful "non-influencer" (inhale), and with contemporary images of the trauma of the art college student - a trauma rooted in the surface of humanity's collective but short-term memory of growing up in the 21st Century.
"The world becomes made up of a lot of little things"
Feelings of a real handyman