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Anchor 1

... . .- / .. ... / -... .-.. .- -.-

Performance with a flashlight, series of photographs

St. Anastasia Island, Bulgaria


Tereza Sikorová & Tomáš Moravanský
Performed: Tereza Sikorová

Night report to the four cardinal points from the deserted island of Saint Anastasia, in the middle of the Black Sea. The message „... . .- / .. ... / -... .-.. .- -.-“ (sea is black) performed with morse code.

The message to the north from the shore of the deserted island was addressed to the sea. To the east towards where the Atiya naval military base sits on the other shore. The message to the other shore to the south was to the LUKOIL oil refinery. A message to the west for the night city of Burgas.

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