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Meno Priezvisko
Meno Priezvisko
Meno Priezvisko

Anchor 1
Star Trek Deep Space 9 – 1080p 12 Hours
Gallery project, digital prints, flowers
21.2. - 13.4.2023
Bludný Kámen / Cella, Opava, CZ
Tomáš Moravanský
Curator: Katarína Klusová
Foto and edit: Tomáš Moravanský
"Star Trek Deep Space 9 - 1080p 12 Hours" is a spatial installation of large format prints of (appropriated) images from internet videos, originally intended to be listened to with white noise "in the background" to stimulate the listener. These videos are accompanied by original photographs and graphics of various environments and objects to illustrate these sounds. The installation in the space is complemented by indoor flowers. Natural light from the exterior accompanies the exhibition. The spatial design incorporates draughts between rooms, which make some of the prints move in response to events outside or obstacles when passing through doorways (in which one of the prints is directly installed). No sound component has been added to the exhibition.

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