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Dance composition, 8-channel sound composition

SONIX concerts of international spatial electroacoustic music
Pragovka Gallery, Prague


Tomáš Moravanský
Dancers: Tereza Sikorová, Pavla Nikitina

A dance composition for two female dancers accompanied by musical compositions in variable and difficult spatial conditions.

For the first time, the performance was part of the premiere of the eight-channel musical composition „Safety Air Refresher“. „SAR“ is a 8-channel composition of sound repeating in a public toilet cubicle combined with a recording of a spatial installation of fans. For the second time, the performance was part of the accompanying program of the exhibition „Acupuncture of Exhibition Space 2“, an installation consisting of 60,000 nails scattered on the ground. Unexpectedly, the performance took place on the very day the quarantine was declared, so we streamed the performance online on the gallery‘s streaming channel. The performance was accompanied by a bass speaker on.

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