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The Best Corner

Gallery project, objects, + public intervention

30.5. - 11.9. 2024
Exhibition, Turčianska Galéria, Martin, SK


Tomáš Moravanský,
Dominik Hlinka,
Daniela Ponomarevová,
Adam Turzo,
Tereza Sikorová
Cur.: Tomáš Moravanský
+ opening performance song „Najkrajší kút“
(The Best Corner)

Prvé národné múzeum konšpirácie /
The First National Museum of Conspiracy
(Yeti, zima, nástenka / Yeti, winter, noticeboard)
Najkrajší kút / The Most Beautiful Corner
Odpočúvacie zariadenie / Listening device

The piece "The Most Beautiful Corner * Najkrajší kút" is inspired by the popular Slovak song "The Most Beautiful Corner in the Wide World Is My Homeland."

The most beautiful corner in the wide world is my homeland,
A green orchard in full bloom is my homeland.
The black mountains stand proudly, touching the sky,
And beneath them, vast fields, flower-strewn, create a paradise on earth.
The most beautiful corner in the wide world is my homeland,
A green orchard in full bloom is my homeland.

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