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Meno Priezvisko
Meno Priezvisko
Meno Priezvisko

Anchor 1
Four-channel audio installation, 9‘30, loop
7.9. - 19.10.2013
Drdova Gallery, Prague, CZ
9.4. - 3.5.2015
Plato, Ostrava, CZ
Tomáš Moravanský in collaboration with Václav Stratil
Curator: Jiří Ptáček
In 2013 the painter and performer Václav Stratil met up with a young Slovak musician, Panácik (Tomáš Moravanský), several times in a recording studio. As well as a guest appearance on Panácik’s album Mrakodrap (Skyscraper) and the recording of Stratil’s songs, another thing to come out of their meetings was the joint nine-minute composition Mrdat (Fuck).
The audio recording Fuck is an insane, in places chaotic and unlistenable outpouring of anger and disgust. A spiritual code, which for Stratil is always conditioned by Catholic dogma, is revealed as part of the subconscious breaking through into reality. The wreckage of the imagination forms an unstable island of poetry, but the cesspool of speech continues to flow with images hich we cannot allow to remain within us. We are listening to a madman whose mind i s wide open and without ethical-social inhibitions. Fuck was not the last time when the two artists worked together. Stratil’s voice could later be heard on Panácik’s album Postmodern. Two joint photographs were subsequently created for the exhibition at PLATO, to which, after a long interval, S tratil added a series of dual portraits with people from the surrounding area.

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