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Meno Priezvisko
Meno Priezvisko
Meno Priezvisko

Anchor 1
Still Files
Gallery project, photographic series, two channel video
18.2 - 12.4. 2020
Brno House of Art / G99, CZ
March 2020
YUP, Osnabrück, DE
August 2020
BLACK BOX, Festival Ars Electronica, Linz, AT
August 2020
Festival HUMAIN, Industra, Brno, CZ
Tomáš Moravanský
Technical support: Jan Langer
A photo of the exhibition is taken each day after the visiting hours as a time-lapse (19.2.2020 - 12.4.2020). The photographs document the remnants of the movement and the expression of the visitors at the end of each day. Each day before the gallery opened, the exhibition was put into its original compositional setting. Documentation of the exhibition continued after the gallery closed during the first wave of the pandemic.

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