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The Man Who Returned from Space Back To Earth

Gallery project, interactive, various dimension

20.7. - 10.8. 2021
Studio PRÁM, Prague, CZ


Artist: Tomáš Moravanský
Opening closed-clown performance: Tereza Sikorová

The Man Who Returned from Space Back To Earth belongs to another series of the author‘s projects, in which he elaborates the motif of real space as virtual space - by conceptualizing video game and choreographic principles to reveal ideological influences intervening on the body of the subject. It uses the physical layout of the place, on the basis of which it builds a choreography system that encourages interaction as in the open world of computer games - rpg (role-playing game) simulations, which can be played indefinitely, in the loop.

The interactive components are reduced only to the basic conditions for recognizing space - lighting that responds temporarily to the current movement, which is realized in a different part of space than the light itself.

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